
When the Lights Go Out
Muriam Haleh Davis, New York University

To Tackle Spaces: Looking for Analytical Tools
Marie-Claude Haince, York University

Five Spaces of Resistance

Occupation, Demonstration, Protest
Nell Gabiam, Iowa State University

Sleeping with the Enemy: Anti-Miscegenation and Sexual Economies of Terror in Colonial Israel
Sarah Emilia Garcia

The Street: Survival and Resistance
Maysa Ayoub, American University in Cairo

Beirut as a Militarized City
May Ee Wong, University of California, Davis

Confounding Mleeta and the Undergrounds of Resistance
Hatim El-Hibri, New York University

From India to Israel-Palestine: Spatialities of Domination and Resistance
Chandni Desai, University of Toronto

Performing Resistance
Farah Godrej, University of California, Riverside

The Missing People
AbdouMaliq Simone, Goldsmiths College, University of London